Some of My Creations...

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Little Love for You Today

Just wishing ALL of you a 'Little Love'today,
my children are sick so I really can't stay....
But I'm sending some loving thoughts out
                     for you,
in case you are feeling a little bit like me,
        red is not the color that I see,
                it's more like

So I'm pulling out the pots and pans,
simmering some soup on the stove,
but its whats in the oven that's showin us some Lovin'...
Maple Banana cake,with a vanilla butter frosting and sprinkle of soft pink sugar.....mmmmmm,
I think I'm starting to feel better.....ooops,
there goes the buzzer,time to wrap up this letter,
                Back to what I originally wanted to say,
I hope you find some 'LOVE' on this
                           Valentines Day!~~~~~

Have A Great Week~~~~~and thanks for stopping by...:)virginia

1 comment:

  1. Hope the children feel better. I understand all about those blues!
